This function compares observed and modelled fire data and return a contingency table summarising the hit rates, false alarms, misses and correct negatives. The validation can be done using various thresholds and input data.
RasterBrick containing the fire index (only one variable)
RasterBrick containing the observation (only one variable)
threshold to use to select relevant fire indices
threshold to use to select relevant observations
A list of two binary vectors: obs (observations) and pred (predictions).
if (FALSE) {
# Read example data
r_risico <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "RISICO_raster.rds",
package = "caliver"))
# Set missing crs
raster::crs(r_risico) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
# Generate obs and pred binary vectors
validate_fire_danger_levels(fire_index = r_risico,
observation = r_risico * 2,
fire_threshold = 0.5,
obs_threshold = 0.5)