Interface BZip2Constants

All Known Implementing Classes:
CBZip2InputStream, CBZip2OutputStream

public interface BZip2Constants
Base class for both the compress and decompress classes. Holds common arrays, and static data.
Keiron Liddle
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The base block size.
    static final int
    The g size.
    static final int
    The max alpha size.
    static final int
    The max code len.
    static final int
    The max selectors.
    static final int
    The n groups.
    static final int
    The n iters.
    static final int
    The num overshoot bytes.
    static final int[]
    The r nums.
    static final int
    The runa.
    static final int
    The runb.